Tuesday, February 9, 2010

From the Archives: The Mark Cuban Factor

Originally Published: 07/17/07
Site Published: The Cacophony Cafe
Weblink: http://cacophonycafe.wordpress.com/2007/07/17/the-mark-cuban-factor/#more-37

This was published in the July of 2007 when the Tribune Company announced that the Chicago Cubs were up for sale. At the time, Mark Cuban expressed interest in purchasing the club. It didn't happen due to an insider trading accusation that never really went anywhere. Amazingly, there still are a few relevant nuggets in this store, namely the state of Baseball as an old boys club. Of course, the comments about basketball being a success are suspect since, according to the latest reports, only a handful of teams are profitable in the league.

On June 12th, 2007, in the office of Bud Selig, the commissioner of major league baseball, an application passed through notifying the MLB of billionaire Mark Cuban’s desire to be the next owner of the Chicago Cubs. There is no record of his reaction, only the possible image of Selig’s mousy head in his hands hoping that his band of “good ol’ boy” owners will quickly disseminate the possibility of Cuban becoming the owner of an MLB team (and of the storied yet mostly sullied Cubs for that matter) by voting down his application, moving on to the next, faceless corporate owner, who may just happen to be John Canning, part owner of the Milwaukee Brewers and close friend of Selig.

Monday, February 8, 2010

From the Archives: Harry Potter and the Endless Repetition of . . . Harry Potter

Originally Published: 07/15/07
Site Published: The Cacophony Cafe
Weblink: http://cacophonycafe.wordpress.com/2007/07/15/harry-potter-and-the-endless-repetition-of-harry-potter/#more-27

Published at the Cacophony Cafe in the summer of 2007, this is my review of the fifth Harry Potter film. I've added some commentary on it, since it's fun to make fun of myself.

Of the major “blockbusters” so far released this summer, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is far and away the best of the bunch[1]. But, when you’re up against the two-thirds great Spider-Man 3, the virtually unwatchable Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and the neutered eunuch known as Live Free or Die Hard, even a mediocre film such as The Order of the Phoenix suddenly looks like The Godfather, as if the masses, thirsty for some sort of oasis of decent entertainment, jump at the opportunity to drink from the well, even though said well is murky, muddled, and nowhere near as good as it should be.

From the Archives: Billy Corgan’s Zeitgeist

Originally Published: 07/10/07
Site Published: The Cacophony Cafe
Weblink: http://cacophonycafe.wordpress.com/2007/07/10/billy-corgans-zeitgeist/#more-17

Originally published on the now defunct (though soon to return) Cacophony Cafe, I wrote a review of the latest Smashing Pumpkins album "Zeitgeist." I try to go for the Pitchfork-esque know it all approach, which makes me sound kind of like an ass. But, I still like the voice. And as time has worn on I definitely do not like that album save for the fairly epic single "Tarantula".

Billy Corgan's Zeitgeist

When last the world saw the Smashing Pumpkins, the once great band had collapsed under the weight of front man Billy Corgan’s own ego, ending with a whine instead of a bang as Corgan lamented the death of his band to the Britney Spears’ of the world, releasing a half baked album of leftovers entitled Machina II: The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music for free over the internet. Such a move was unheard of in 2000, just as file sharing had begun its supposed destruction of the music industry with the birth of Napster, Corgan, one of the bigger personalities left from the grunge era, threw in with the enemy, giving a final “fuck you” to his label and his band mates, endearing himself to what remained of the Pumpkins’ fan base.

The Monday Playlist #1: The Giant Sized First Issue Spectacular

Every Monday, I'll post a mix. I like mixes, they're one of my favorite things to do. And I feel (not to brag), that I have a fairly good ability to understand what works and what doesn't on a mix. I call it "the flow." If a mix doesn't have "flow" it means that it is all over the place in terms of genre and mood. There has to be a mood. If there isn't a mood, then you may as well listen to your Ipod on shuffle.

Anyway, here is the first mix. I hope you dig.

And Here We Go . . .

Welcome and thank you for stopping by.

What you have found here is my site and one that will be . . . well, quite random. I like to write and I have been freelancing for a bit, so a lot of what will appear will act as a sort of resume of my work.

That doesn't mean that there won't be any original content on here. Not at all. I'll try to keep up with this daily as a sort of outlet for my own thoughts. Of course I'll also use it as a way to shill my on product, so be wary of that before hand (I will try to keep that at a minimum.

Anyway, introductions are. Come on in and hopefully you will enjoy the show.